AIMA - Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association
AIMA stands for Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association
Here you will find, what does AIMA stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association? Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association can be abbreviated as AIMA What does AIMA stand for? AIMA stands for Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association. What does Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Madrid, Madrid.
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Alternative definitions of AIMA
- American Institute for Media Arts
- Asociacion Internacional Mujeres en las Artes
- All India Management Association
- All India Management Association
- Arizona Interactive Marketing Association
- Australasian Integrative Medicine Association
- American Institute of Minerals Appraisers
View 14 other definitions of AIMA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- ACC Ashland Care Center
- ALC Appletree Learning Center
- AMR Another Mother Runner
- AFL Alameda Free Library
- ASSF Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation
- AFCFFC AFC First Financial Corp.
- APE Aloe Private Equity
- AMML Allen Memorial Medical Library
- ABC Atkinson Bevan Chambers
- AGO American Guild of Organists
- ARIFGI ARI Financial Group Inc
- AFL Anglia Forwarding Ltd
- AIC Affinity Immediate Care
- ASC All Star Chiropractic
- ASH Ambassadors for Sustained Health
- ADRE American Dream Real Estate
- ABWF Associated British World Foods
- ACT Advance Card Technology
- AFNODD African Forum and Network On Debt and Development
- AGLL Ally Global Logistics LLC